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Did you know? We have an integration to FitBit smart scales, so that the weight and body comp data flows right into the log! Check it out here!
4 days ago0 replies
๐Ÿ“Œ We were affiliated with Slowtwitch... from 2016 until July 2023. To convert your account, message me there and I'll help you update your login. Your historical data is safe, I just need your email address.
8 months ago0 replies


๐Ÿ‘ฅ 49 enrolled The Big Kahuna 14 day 118 of 366

Recent workouts

oleks stationary biked 25,41 mi in 1:08:45 106/127 763 193w 90rpm
15 hours ago
vonschnapps stationary biked 8,10 mi in 25:00
18 hours ago
devashish_paul ran 5,28 mi in 48:00
20 hours ago
devashish_paul swam 3.062,12yd in 1:00:00
20 hours ago
fcorrao ran 3,12 mi in 28:52 137/149 359 235w 158spm
20 hours ago
vonschnapps swam 1.000,00yd in 17:00
20 hours ago
vonschnapps paddled 3,10 mi in 31:00
21 hours ago
lchiappetta walked 1,50 mi in 40:00
22 hours agoBlack Walking Shoes
trptrunner ran 1,76 mi in 26:00
22 hours ago
mgalluzz stationary biked 9,80 mi in 30:00
22 hours ago

Leaderboards (last 7 days)

AP Aerobic Points
AP 548 stillmoving 14 workouts AP 506 mikemcvea 14 workouts AP 472 oleks 17 workouts AP 368 ๐Ÿ‘ค devashish_paul 19 workouts AP 326 ๐Ÿ‘ค Woodsman 10 workouts
๐ŸŠ Swim Distance
23k yd leh 7 swims 18k yd ๐Ÿ‘ค devashish_paul 7 swims 13k yd stillmoving 3 swims 13k yd HalfSpeed 4 swims 12k yd ๐Ÿ‘ค monty 4 swims
๐Ÿšด Bike Distance
352 mi stillmoving 6 rides 230 mi mikemcvea 6 rides 205 mi oleks 8 rides 167 mi ๐Ÿ‘ค AWC3 5 rides 155 mi ๐Ÿ‘ค Woodsman 4 rides
๐Ÿƒ Run Distance
52 mi mikemcvea 5 runs 49 mi oleks 6 runs 36 mi dm26tg1 8 runs 35 mi ๐Ÿ‘ค devashish_paul 7 runs 32 mi ๐Ÿ‘ค Sancon7 5 runs